A Tradition of Trust

Most people are looking for a financial advisor in whom they can place their utmost trust and confidence. H Financial was founded by Garrett Hoge in 1981, upon such a tradition of trust. For Garrett, building relationships based on trust and leading H Financial Management for over 40 years was only natural since his family's values in Southwestern Pennsylvania run deep.

William and John Hoge laid out the plans for Washington, PA in 1781. They both served in the Revolutionary War and represented Pennsylvania in one of the first Continental Congresses. Later, the Hoge's generously donated the plot of ground where the Washington County Courthouse now stands. They also donated the property for the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - the Hoge Memorial is located on Walnut Street in Washington, PA
Learn More About Hoge's History in America.

Our Philosophy

The advice we render for our clients is the same advice we follow ourselves and for our families.

In the wealth management business, communication cannot be overrated. Many of our clients who were formerly with other advisory firms have told us stories about unreturned phone calls, failures to meet personal deadlines, and general lack of attention after signing the account forms. We believe our clients appreciate regular phone calls, face-to-face meetings, and a proactive stance with all their financial needs. In fact, our advisors spend a great many of their working days in face-to-face meetings or on the phone with clients. This is the main reason why we believe our client retention is so high.

Reaching out to ALL of our clients is important and that is why we are selective when it comes to bringing a client into the firm. Our selective approach allows us to limit our high net-worth clientele to a manageable number so that we can maximize the efforts of our advisors on behalf of clients. Furthermore, with every aspect of the business firmly in control of back office staff, this really does leave our advisors to do what they do best: communicate with clients!


►   Please Click the Link for H Financial's Disclosure Brochure:   H Financial’s Disclosure Brochure


►   Please Click the Link for H Financial's Form CRS:                H Financial's Form CRS

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Private Wealth Management

We begin all of our client relationships with the development of a personalized Financial Plan*. The analysis takes a holistic approach that includes Net-Worth, Asset Allocation, Retirement Analysis, Survivor Needs, and Estate Planning.

Our clients' investment funds may originate from a Marcellus Shale oil and gas contract, the sale of a small business, a 401(k) rollover from an employer, a pension fund, or a combination of several investment vehicles. Furthermore, each individual's situation is different in terms of money needed in retirement, the desire to pass on a legacy, or the need for funds to be liquid. Despite these differences, our six-step process is designed to help us  provide " individual services for the individual needs" of our clients. Learn more about private wealth management


Qualified Retirement Plans

Offering a 401(k) plan can give business owners an advantage in attracting and retaining highly skilled people in today’s competitive business environment. But did you know there are also plans designed to benefit both employers and employees alike?

Qualified plans are probably the best way to accumulate assets and save taxes but they can also be complex, highly regulated by the government and non-transparent. That’s where our experience comes in. H Financial advises corporate clients regarding their company sponsored retirement plans. We work closely with local third-party administrators to develop a plan design based on your business and financial goals. With many years of experience we can help coordinate plan design, administration, record keeping, investment management, and employee communication. As plan Fiduciaries, we can help you minimize expenses and avoid pitfalls. We believe putting the best interest of our clients first is paramount. H Financial helps to coordinate the following:







A Team Approach

Working as a team, H Financial offers the best of both worlds - seasoned, experienced advisors working alongside young, highly-qualified advisors who will be there for you both now and in the years to come.

H Financial Management fully engages the ever-changing needs of our clients as an independent advisory firm. As independent financial advisors, we cannot overemphasize how advantageous this independence is for our clientele. Many advisors employed by big name firms may have a conflict of interest, in that they are pressured to recommend products that benefit their employers. In our opinion, this can limit financial planning recommendations to investment products that may not be the best choice for each individual investor. At H Financial, we have our clients' best interests at heart and have no limitations with regard to the specific investments or financial products that we utilize. We believe this is what sets us apart! We seek to find the best fit of investments and financial planning products for each individual client

Our professionals are well-educated in the business. More importantly, they also have practical day-to-day experience solving financial problems for literally hundreds of clients over the years. Success has helped H Financial gain access to accomplished money managers, portfolio strategists, economists and other resources deemed necessary to serve the financial needs of high net-worth individuals. Also, H Financial has a seasoned network of other professionals, including attorneys, accountants, and mortgage bankers to help assist our clients in their overall wealth management. Learn more about our team.


Give Us a Call

If you are looking for a financial advisor you can trust, and a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship, please call us at 724-745-9406 to schedule a no obligation introductory meeting!

*Excluding ERISA plan, business, charities and endowments engagement. The scope of any financial planning and consulting services to be provided depends upon the terms of the engagement, and the specific requests and needs of the client.